EI AI, Oh my!I’m happy that I’ll see Nora Kurzova at the Internet Identity Workshop dinner tonight. Nora is the Assistant State Privacy Officer for…Apr 16, 2024Apr 16, 2024
League of Technical Voters, at last.The League of Technical Voters (“LoTV”) and its partner, the NewGov Foundation, through the GEOvoter API, are finally ready to launch a…May 5, 2021May 5, 2021
The VA “might” call you back…I love the Palo Alto VA Hospital. It’s free for me and full of whip-smart Stanford Med School Residents. But the VA system has a…Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
The best rule of all: Each of us is the traffic cop at the intersection our stakeholders' ROI goals.Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
Bloomberg Senator Loyalty TerminalsWhat Americans want to hear from Mike Bloomberg:Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Bruce Preville’s DoctrineImprov Yes/And rules: the secret to building online communities.Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Doc Searls, Harvard, 2008:“Note to selves: a lot of what Larry Lessig wants here is what Britt Blaser and friends are working on.”Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
PCI GHD: Ideals, Ideas, Our deedsMei Lin Fung and Vint Cerf co-founded the People Centered Internet in 2015 with significant support from the UN.Jan 20, 2021Jan 20, 2021